Beach Badges
Beach Patrol
Conditions & Webcam
Junior Guard / Lessons
Mile Swim
LBP 5K Run

Lavallette Beach Patrol

Current Conditions
Click here for webcam and current weather and tide conditions.


Beach Flyer
Beach Flyer
Download Pdf File




One of the last Hankins Built Skiffs


Ocean County Health Department Beach Reports



The Department of Environmental Protection New Jersey Cooperative Coastal Monitoring Program

On this web site, you will find daily activity reports for closings, advisories, and results of any test that exceeded the federal bacteria standard, regardless of whether the beach was closed or an advisory was issued.





Lavallette Beach Patrol

Lavallette Lifeguard Headquarters
Philadelphia Avenue and the Ocean
Telephone: 732-793-2566 (Seasonal)
Fax: 732-793-4965
Mailing Address 1306 Grand Central Avenue Lavallette, NJ 08735

Limited guarded beaches will be available on September 7th & 8th. The beaches with guards will at the discretion of the beach patrol and weather dependent.

Summer Bathing Hours
10am to 5pm Weekdays
10am to 6pm Saturday, Sunday & July 4th
We supervise 9 Ocean Beaches and
1 Bay Location, Brooklyn Avenue Bay

Beach Badges No Longer Required for the Season

Only swim at guarded beaches.


Flag Designations - New color coding for 2024
imageYellow Flags - Normal Conditions bathing between the yellow flagsimage
imageRed Flag - Restricted bathing do to either large surf, rip current or wind swell image
imageimage Double Red Flag - No bathing due to dangerous conditions. imageimage
imageBoogie Boards and Rafts between Blue & White Flagsimage
image Surfing Locations image
Haddonfield Avenue / Brown Avenue / Dover Avenue Between Green Flags

Kayaking Locations are the same as Surfing, Lifejackets Required


Navigation Bullet Beach Rules and Regulations

It is unlawful to throw or drop waste paper, garbage and other refuse on the beach as well as litter, destroy or disfigure the beach or public or private property.

It is unlawful to use loud, profane or indecent language, play ball or engage in any activities, which will endanger another person or interfere with the enjoyment of the quiet use of the beach or public boardwalk.

It is unlawful to conduct or engage in any beach party, picnic or similar outing, cook, or take any alcoholic beverage upon said places of resort, other than non-alcoholic beverages in cans or plastic containers.

Surfboarding will be allowed only in prescribed surfboard areas indicated by green flags. Shock cords must be attached and used at all times.

Bathing is permitted in protected areas only. A white flag indicates safe bathing conditions. A read flag indicates no swimming. A yellow flag indicates restricted swimming. Wait until conditions are right before bathing. Lifeguards enforce safety rules, please cooperate. Lifeguards are equipped with radios for emergency purposes.

Vehicles are not allowed on the beach from May 1 to September 15, nor on any weekend in September. At all other times vehicles must be operating in accordance with Chapter 7-11 of the  Borough Code.External Link Operators must be licensed and vehicles must be registered. A permit is required.

Please keep off all sand dunes. Sand dunes are protected by Chapter 8 of the Borough CodeExternal Link

Animals are not allowed on the beach or other places of resort at any time. Animals on a leash can only be taken on the boardwalk at times other than regular bathing season.

Please use trash and recycle receptacles located at the entrance to the beach and at the street ends. Please do not litter!

No SmokingSmoking or vaping is prohibited on the boardwalk, ocean beaches, bay beaches, Chandler Field and playground area, the Gazebo grounds and parks. Do not use the beach as an ashtray.

Lightning Detection System
Link to hear what the Lightning Detection System Sounds Like. www.wxline.com/wave-sirenExternal Link


Navigation Bullet Beach Wheelchairs

imageBeach Wheelchairs are equipped with large, wide wheels which can roll across the sand without sinking. Beach wheelchairs enable anyone to safely enjoy the beach, sand and water.

The beach chairs can be signed out for 2 hour blocks, if no one is waiting to use a chair they can be reserved for an additional 2 hours. Chairs must be returned before the end of beach day to lifeguard headquarters.

Available on a first come first serve basis through the Lifeguard Headquarters. 732-793-2566

Off season Beach Wheelchairs are available through Public Works. 732-793-7766


Navigation Bullet Accessible Beach Access

Accessible entrances for people with disabilities are on the 4 wide streets in town. Trenton Avenue, New York Avenue, Philadelphia Avenue and President Avenue.

President Avenue now has a decking to make wheelchair access easier.


Navigation Bullet Rip Currents

Protect yourself by learning how to spot a rip current so you can stay safe at the beach this summer.

Rib Current Safety
https://www.noaa.gov/jetstream/ocean/rip-currents/rip-current-safety External Link



Navigation Bullet Do not dig holes deeper then your knees on the beach

Sand can collapse and create an extremely dangerous situation!

In recent years this serious danger has been widely documented throughout the world and was even featured in the New England Journal of Medicine. Victims typically become completely buried in the sand when the walls of the hole unexpectedly collapse, leaving virtually no evidence of the hole or the location of the victim. Parents are often concerned about lesser dangers such as sea life in the ocean but are often unaware of the possibility of a potentially deadly situation on dry land when digging a hole in the sand.

Besides the potential for suffocation, holes create a potential danger for those people responsible to maintain and patrol the beach throughout the night. Remember, if you dig it, fill it in.


Located at the Brooklyn Avenue Bay Beach.
More Info Pdf File



Navigation Bullet Beach Patrol Events

William Kemble Lifeguard Tournament - July - More Information

William Kemble Lifeguard Tournament - July - More Information

Annual Mid Summer Mile Lavallette Ocean Swim August  - @ 8am Philadelphia Ave - More Information


Jr Guards & Swim Lessons.

The Lavallette Beach Patrol Summer Swim Programs. There are two different programs. These programs are designed to instruct community youth in beach and ocean safety and to improve swimming skills.
More Information.


Navigation Bullet Help Wanted - Seasonal Positions

Lifeguards, Badge Checkers and Beach Badge Office positions available. More information.