Public Works
Collection Schedule
Bulk Pickup
Water & Sewer

Current Garbage & Recycle Schedule
Garbage Schedule Icon
Winter Schedule

Contact Public Works

Street Light
Street Light Out?
Please let us know with online form Thank You.

West Point Island and North Lavallette
Report Street Light HereExternal Link


Water Tower


Beach Rake

NJ 811


View Flyer Pdf File


Lavallette Public Works

120 Washington Avenue
732-830-8320 Fax

Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7:00am - 3:00pm
Mailing Address:1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735
Contact the Department of Public Works

Help Keep Lavallette Clean, Please Do Not Litter.

Official Borough Holidays

New Year’s Day Martin Luther King Day
Lincoln’s Day Presidents Day
Good Friday Memorial Day
**Fourth of July** Labor Day
Columbus Day Election Day
Veteran’s Day Thanksgiving Day
Day after Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
No Collection Will Occur on Borough Holidays
Make up collections: If the holiday falls on a Monday the makeup day will be on Tuesday. If the holiday falls on a Tuesday the makeup day will be on Wednesday.
On July 4th holiday there will be regular scheduled collection.


Navigation Bullet Snow Storm Reminder

All vehicles must be removed from streets when roadway becomes snow covered. Additional parking is available at the municipal parking lots located at President Avenue and Bay Boulevard and Washington Avenue and Bay Boulevard.


Navigation Bullet Water Service Line Material Survey

In July 2021, P.L.2021, Ch.183 (Law) was enacted, requiring all community water systems to replace lead and galvanized service lines in their service area within 10 years. Under the law, the Borough of Lavallette is required to inventory public and private water services to identify all service line materials.

Service Line Diagram

In an effort to report all private water service line materials to the State of New Jersey, the Borough of Lavallette is requesting you, the Homeowner, to inspect your current water service and determine the material that has been installed for your property.

Please click here for more information and to complete the survey.


Navigation Bullet Westmont, Haddonfield and Bryn Mawr Water Main Replacement

NJAM plans to start installing water main on Westmont, Haddonfield and Bryn Mawr Ave, then come back to replace all the water service.
Work will begin on or about December 2nd and expects to be completed by the end of  March 2025 with final paving being completed before the summer of 2025.

More Details Pdf File Map Pdf File


Navigation Bullet Hydrant Flushing

HydrantFlushing of Water Mains takes place at night. Temporary discoloration of the water may result from flushing, therefore, water should be allowed to run long enough so as to allow any sediment in the lines in your home, including laundry areas, to clear.

2025 Hydrant flushing dates.
March 17, 2025 - June 13, 2025
September 8, 2025 - October 31, 2025

The Water Department is scheduling the fire hydrant flushing program for the months of March 11 through June 14 and September 9 through October 31. If the weather is unfavorable or emergencies occur, rescheduling can happen.

Flushing times will be 10:00 pm through 4:00 am.
The water is safe to drink. Customers may experience a reduction in water pressure and slight discoloration which would be temporary, we advise not to wash your laundry if discoloration is present. If customers experience issues please run your cold water only from an outside faucet if available or a bathtub or sink, something without an aerator for about five minutes or until clear before using. If the problem persists please call the Water Department Office 732-793-7766. hours 7:00am – 3:00pm. If there is an emergency after hours please contact Lavallette Police at 732-793-4800 and they will contact Water Department personnel.

If water is discolored at any time of the year or other water quality issues arise, a flushing of the appropriate distribution mains might be needed and will be performed in a timely manner to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.


Navigation Bullet Don't Feed The Seagulls!

GullWhite plastic bags are prohibited by ordinance to be left at the curb for pickup. The gulls attack these bags easily and create an unsanitary mess. Please use appropriate containers with lids or dark colored, heavy gauge, plastic bags for your trash.

For your convenience, the Lavallette Recycling Center located at the Public Works Complex accepts regular household waste from 7am to 2:45pm every day.
Please consider using this service to keep our streets and town clean.


Help Keep Lavallette Clean
View Flyer Pdf File


Navigation Bullet Bulk Item Cleanup

Garbage TruckResidential property owners only. Place items for pickup curbside by 7am on the date of pickup. No Items Containing Freon; Refrigerators, Freezers, or Air Conditioners.
There is no Bulk Cleanup scheduled. Cleanup Information.


Navigation Bullet Street Sweeping Program

SweeperWhen signs are posted in your area please remove vehicles from roadway.
Your cooperation will help to keep our streets clean and litter free.


Navigation Bullet Animal Control

Lavallette animal control officer Brendan Brice.

Any requests for Animal Control services should be directed to Lavallette Public Works during business hours, Monday through Friday 7am – 3pm 732-793-7766. During non business hours, or for any emergency, please contact Lavallette Police at 732-793-4800.

Homeowners with chimneys should make sure they have the proper caps in place on their chimney to keep wildlife out.

Related: Animal Licensing


Navigation Bullet Placing household trash in public litter receptacles is a violation of Borough Code

Garbage CanDo not place household garbage in public litter receptacles. You may bring household garbage and recycling to the recycling center. Your cooperation is necessary to keep our community clean and litter free. A schedule of trash collection for your area of town can be found here. Full Borough Code book can be found hereExternal Link


Navigation Bullet Recycling Center

RecycleLocated on the corner of Washington and Baltimore Avenue, is open 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. Residents can utilize the center to drop off their normal recyclable items.  The Recycling Center is a service provided for Residents only.  Proof of residency required by Photo ID & Tax or Utility Bill. Recycling Stickers Available at  Public Works, The Recycling Center & Borough Hall. More Info.


Navigation Bullet Single Stream Recycling

RecycleThe Borough has adopted a “single stream” policy for the placement of recycling materials for curbside pickup.
All glass bottles, aluminum cans, tin cans, all plastic containers (PET and HDPE-where the neck is smaller than the body), newspapers, mixed papers, junk mail, shredded papers, cardboard, and magazines can all be placed in one container for curbside pickup.


Navigation Bullet Ocean County Hazardous Material Disposal

imageMaterials accepted at the household hazardous waste collection sites are: paints, thinners, boat paints, solvents, pool chemicals, pesticides and herbicides, aerosol cans, auto products, toilet and drain cleaners, silver polishes, oven cleaners, photographic chemicals, rug and upholstery cleaners, polishes and bleaches, waste oil and used gasoline. Pre-Registration Is Required. Additional information can be found on the county website at www.co.ocean.nj.usExternal Link or by calling 1-800-55-RECYCLE.

Program finished for 2024, check back for 2025 schedule.

Online Registration available at Ocean County Solid Waste ManagementExternal Link or call 732-506-5047


Navigation Bullet Ocean County Document Shredding

imageThe truck has an 8,000-pound capacity. Residents are limited to six boxes or bags each day. Commercial documents will not be accepted. Paper clips and staples do not have to be removed from the documents. Registration not required and the service is free, check flyer for locations and times.

2025 Schedule Pdf File

Online Registration available at Ocean County Solid Waste ManagementExternal Link


Navigation Bullet Ocean County Boat Flare Disposal

Saturday October 19th, 2024
Location: Ocean County Training Center
200 Volunteer Way, Waretown
From 9 am to 12 pm

Flares Accepted
Red Hand-held
Red Meteor
Orange Smoke Signal
Floating Orange Smoke
Max. 10 per boater

Registration required
co.ocean.nj.us/recycleExternal Link


Navigation Bullet Route 35 North and South DOT Maintenance Reporting

To report potholes, tall grass, litter, debris, or a problem with a traffic light on Route 35 North or Route 35 South Please click on the link below. This is not for side roads or Bay Boulevard. Thank You.
DOT Pothole Report
www.njdotproblemreporting.com/External Link


Navigation Bullet Ocean County Recycling

OC Recycles LogoExternal Link

Ocean County Solid Waste ManagementExternal Link

P.O. Box 2191
129 Hooper Avenue
Toms River, NJ 08754
Phone: 732.506.5047
Fax: 732.244.8396
Email: ocrecycles@co.ocean.nj.us Email Link



Boardwalk Sweeping